Mythology – Gods and Goddess Matrix

Below is a table showing the names of Gods and Goddesses with their equivalent in six different mythologies. Included mythologies are Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, Hindu, and Mesopotamian.

King of the gods, god of the sky and thunder.ZeusJupiterOdin (or Thor for thunder aspects)Amun-RaIndraEnlil (or Anu)
Queen of the gods, goddess of marriage and family.HeraJunoFriggIsisShachi (or Parvati)Ninhursag (or Ishtar)
God of the sea, earthquakes, and horses.PoseidonNeptuneNjord (or Aegir)Sobek (or Osiris for water aspects)VarunaEnki (or Ea)
Goddess of agriculture and the harvest.DemeterCeresFreyja (as goddess of fertility)Geb (or Renenutet)Prithvi (or Lakshmi)Nisaba (or Ashnan)
Goddess of wisdom, warfare, and crafts.AthenaMinervaFrigg (or Sif)NeithSaraswati (or Durga)Ishtar (or Inanna)
God of the sun, music, poetry, prophecy, and healing.ApolloApollo (same name in both)BaldurRa (or Horus)SuryaShamash (or Utu)
Goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and the moon.ArtemisDianaSkadiBastet (or Neith for hunting aspects)Parvati (or Durga for hunting aspects)Inanna (or Nungal)
God of war.AresMarsTyr (or Thor for war aspects)Seth (or Montu)Kartikeya (or Durga)Nergal
Goddess of love and beauty.AphroditeVenusFreyaHathorLakshmiIshtar (or Inanna)
God of fire, metalworking, and craftsmanship.HephaestusVulcanLoki (as a craftsman)PtahVishvakarmaEa (craftsmanship aspects)
God of travelers, commerce, and thieves; messenger of the gods.HermesMercuryHermodThothGaneshaNabu