Halloween Anagrams

20 anagrams for Halloween. They are a mixture of film titles and what would be described as villains, who are from film, books, etc.

If you just want the anagrams you can find them near the bottom of the page after this bit of self-promotion.

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heated devil – The Evil Dead
chefs goat – Ghostface
lets it grope – Poltergeist
dear hearse – Eraserhead
fecal heater – Leatherface
in a meth wreck – The Wicker Man
fury keg redder – Freddy Krueger
nerves ooh soja – Jason Voorhees
tofu nears – Nosferatu
often had waded – Dawn of the Dead
high tent – The Thing
berry boy ma ass – Rosemary’s Baby
gin he hints – The Shining
sinewy pen – Pennywise
banters moan – Norman Bates
gather a phone – The Orphanage
tanners knife – Frankenstein
hip dean – Pinhead
lacey shimmer – Michael Myers
a clairvoyant armpit – Paranormal Activity